Ruby has many interests.

And life is too short to not explore them.

A website that is home to the #ladycamppro community. Though content is still underdevelopment, there is a need for content providers and for folks (all genders!) who would like to get involved. Stay tuned for info about the first Women in Camping Summit in November 2018 and retreat options for those who identify as female in the camping industry in spring 2019.


Camp Code podcast

With over 50 episodes of content about staff training for youth development professionals, there is an abundance of FREE content for #camppros all about how to make your training great. And if your training is effective, your summer is much more likely to be smooth as butter. Check out what leading staff training experts Beth Allison, Gabrielle Raill, and Ruby Compton have to say about making your staff training great again.


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Retreats for #ladycamppros

These Blue Ridge Mountains have a healing way about them and sometimes, as people, we simply need to take a retreat to refresh and rejuvenate before diving into the crunch of summer. Keep an eye on for more info about retreats and trips specifically designed for those who identify as female and work in the outdoor industry. There's some cool stuff in the works!